MyVest embarked on another ambitious Summer of Giving program. Our program began in 2020 to drive COVID-19 relief and combat racial injustice. Each MyVestor was encouraged to use their five days of volunteer time off to support the organizations that mean something to them.
Here are some of the organizations we served in 2024:
- Break Through Collaborative – Creating empowering educational experiences for traditionally underrepresented students on their path to college, and we are the largest pre-professional teacher training program in the country.
- Chris Kindness Award – A charity recognizing simple acts of kindness in the community.
- City Impact – Helping residents of the Tenderloin receive clothing and household goods.
- Food Forward – Fighting hunger and preventing food waste by rescuing fresh surplus produce.
- Girl Scouts of Northern California – Empowering girls all over the world through education and volunteering.
- Kite’s Nest – The mission is to build the collective capacity of young people to bring about personal transformation, social connection, healing, and systemic change.
- Mountain State Children’s Home – Residential care and support services to help children heal.
- St. John’s Harvest Food Pantry – This food bank addresses hunger head-on – from a food pantry network and home-delivered groceries to food stamp enrollees.
- UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland & San Francisco – A not for profit network of hospitals taking care of some of our community’s most vulnerable children.
All of this activity culminated with MyVestors voting on which of the organizations would receive a financial donation from MyVest.
The organizations receiving the most votes that received donation from MyVest in 2024 are:
- Mountain State Children’s Home
- St. John’s Harvest Food Panty
- UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland & San Francisco
Our goal was to make a positive impact on our communities and the world at large, and to spark a stronger sense of philanthropy and action-oriented outreach among MyVestors. We are so proud of what our team has accomplished and we look forward to continuing the momentum!