By Anton Honikman, MyVest CEO 

Reflecting on Our Founding Vision & Mission

As I reflect on MyVest’s past year, from our team’s remarkable resilience through the pandemic’s 2nd year to onboarding significant new customers, I thought it important to acknowledge that MyVest also achieved a major milestone — our 20th anniversary!  

20 years ago, our founders recognized an unmet need in the wealth management industry: the ability for advisors to manage their clients’ wealth in aggregate (the elusive “UMH”), instead of the orthodoxy of managing account-by-account. In the ensuing years, we built that capability and so much more, driven by our collective mission to improve the financial futures of American families.  

Our Past, Present & Future

The root of our success is our people. We have built an authentically diverse team and a remarkable culture of shared values, one that has attracted and retained great talent. Many of the original MyVestors are still with us, fortified with new recruits, all inspired by our founders’ entrepreneurial spirit.

We owe a great deal of gratitude to our customers, who are more than just users of our technology, but real strategic partners who have helped us continuously shape our platform. That partnership prominently includes our parent TIAA, whose close collaboration has been invaluable. 

Our work has had a tremendous impact on the wealth management industry — enabling thousands of advisors to effectively manage and personalize hundreds of thousands of portfolios, and most importantly help improve the financial lives of the families that those advisors serve. We continue to find this mission as motivating today as it was 20 years ago. 

From a small challenger brand, innovating in the areas of UMH and tax optimization, to an established leader in personalized investment solutions, we have come a long way. And we’re nowhere near done. The industry is abuzz with innovation in the areas of goals-based wealth management, direct indexing, and tax management. We are ideally positioned to be at the forefront of these trends as we continue to advance our mission. With 20 years in the history books, our journey has just begun!